I love reading interviews with writers. They're so interesting and revealing. It seems writers choose their words as truly and precisely in spoken interviews as they do on their pages. And I find that each writer always has something fascinating and new to say about writing, and the world of writing.
Like this interview I came across with Andrea Barrett in a random edition of Paris Review - always a great source for writer interviews. I was struck by what she had to say about writers not feeling at home in the world. Is this true for all writers I wonder? Or has she just made some gross unfair sweeping generalisation?
Personally, I agree. The world to a writer is to be observed first and foremost. The world we live in is mostly one of our own making, with narrations and descriptions, observations, plot and page-marking epiphanies. Words are where we feel at home. And I would most definitely agree with her view that we write about the world to make sense of it, to translate it to ourselves. To feel more at home in it.

Read the entire script here:
~ Siobhán
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